This song took far too long to translate, and it’s all because he’s decided to phrase everything in interesting and beautiful ways! How dare he? That means I have figure them out, and then explain them to you all!
Okay, while it was a pain, it was actually pretty fun.
What’s interesting is that in the second part, which is more social critique than the first (the first being about romance), the guitar speeds up and his singing becomes very frantic. I, of course, have my opinions for that, but I'll let you decide if that means anything.
Breakfast@ 曙
お涙頂戴 結末の見える物語
めでたしめでたし ある意味めでたいね
奇を衒って頂戴 生増愛に期待してないの
形振りかまわず 見て呉れかまわず
曖昧な I MY ME 二束三文 アイノウタ
ふわふわ浮遊 YOUR YOU
手のひらで Dancing all night long
何か頂戴 愛より甘いヤツ 酸いより甘いヤツ
脇と詰めが甘いヤツ お口で溶けて手に溶けないヤツ
Hey yo What’s up 兄弟! 現実はSo甘くないみたいだせ
底辺 x 高さ ÷ 2 = 現実 実社会 甘さ0無糖BLACK!!
歌が疑うの 好きな味は現実味
お口に合わないの 無駄な殺生と無駄な折衷案
和洋折衷 I want you!! 普通に喪中
Mongoru Happyaku
Onamida choudai Ketsumatsu no mieru SUTORI (1)
Maido onajime no HAPPII ENDO
Medetashi medetashi Aru imi medetaine
Ki wo taratte choudai Ainiku ai kita shitenaino
Nareau yori tawamure aitai
Narifuri kamawazu Mitekure kamawazu
Aimai na I MY ME Nisokusanmon AI NO UTA
Fuwafuwa fuyuu YOUR YOU
Te no hira de Dancing all night long
Koregeochite ageru
Ai to iu fushigi na chikara de
Ugoku to iu fushigi na ningen sa
Nanka choudai Ai yori amai YATSU Sui yori amai YATSU
Waki to tsume ga amai YATSU Okuchi de tokete te ni tekenai YATSU
Hey yo What’s up kyoudai!! Genjitsu ha So amakunai mitai daze
Teihen kakeru takasa waru ni wa genjitsu – Jisshakai Amasa ZERO Muto BLACK
Uta ga utagau no Suki na agi ha genjitsumi
Okuchi ni awanaino Muda na sesshou to muda na secchuan
Wahei sechuu I want you!! Futsuu ni mochuu
Ai to iu fushigi na chikara de
Ugoku to iu fushigi na ningen sa
Ai to iu mienai chikara de
Ugoku to iu fushigi na ningen sa
Aware na ningen sa
OBAKA na ningen sa
Give me your tears! It’ll be the story of an end we can see
Each time it’ll be a familiar happy ending
It’s so wonderful, wonderful, and it is the meaning of joy, right?
Give me your eccentricities that you put on for show, and I won’t expect this to be an unfortunate romance
I want to flirt with you more than I want to get used to you
Regardless of appearance, regardless of show
It’s a vague (2) “I” “my” and “me” , dirt cheap, love song
It’s an airy, floating “your” and “you” (3)
dancing all night long in the palm of my hand
By this mysterious power called love,
Mysterious people can move.
Give me anything! Something sweeter than love, and sweeter than acid
The side and filling are sweet things (4) Things that melt in your mouth, but not your hand. (5)
Hey yo, what’s up bro(6)? Reality so doesn’t look that sweet. (7)
The base times the height divided by two equals reality, the real world (8) Zero sweetness! Sugarless Black!!
This song is doubting. My favorite flavor is a sense of reality (9)
It’ll never fit in the mouth. Useless destruction of life and useless proposals for compromise.
A compromise for peace, I want you! Mourning normally.
By this mysterious power called love,
Mysterious people move.
By this power we cannot see called love,
Mysterious people move.
These pitiful people
These stupid people.
1. This isn’t that important to the meaning, but I want to include it anyway because that’s just how I roll. The kanji in the lyrics is written as “monogatari” which means “tale”, so I think it’s interesting that he actually sings the English word “story” instead.
2. Here, he is playing with Japanese and English pronunciations. Vague in Japanese is pronounced “aimai” which sounds exactly like “I” “My”.
3. He’s playing with pronunciations again! Floating in Japanese is “fuyuu”, so he’s using the “you” sound to repeat the pattern he started above.
4. To be honest, I have no idea what this translates to. What I know is that “waki ga amai” (sweet side) is a term for “weak defense”, so I know he’s employing some sort of play on words. I also know that “tsume” is a filling… also.. “waki” means “armpit!” So, basically, this phrase confuses me.
5. Yes, they have the same phrase in Japanese for M&Ms. This makes me happy for some inexplicable reason.
6. I love this. He says “kyoudai” which means “brothers” in Japanese. If you watch anime, you may recognize this from things like Fullmetal Alchemist, where the brothers are referred to as the Elric Kyoudai. But I translated it as bro, but I really think that was what he was going for in his cute Japanese-y way :)
7. I like to think he intended to sound a bit valley girl here. I also love this phrase because it sounds like how I talk with my friends who speak English and Japanese.
8. “Teihen” translates as base for geometry, but it also translates as the base for society. So, this entire phrase has two meanings. The base of society times height (as in the height one can achieve) divided by two equals reality. So basically, reality really doesn’t match up to what is.
9. Another cool phrasing. He takes the word “genjitsumi” which can be translated as a “sense of reality”, and twists it into saying it’s his favorite flavor because the last character of the word means “flavor” by itself. Amazing!
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