Thursday, May 19, 2011

Breakfast at Akebono Translation Notes

Okay, so I broke down and asked my friend Mayuko about the lyrics I didn't understand in Breafast@Akebono. Here is what she said:

脇が甘い means to have weak defenses. The meaning of 詰めが甘い depends on context, but it usually means what you do is not perfect. If you're 詰めが甘い on a travelling plan, it means you don't plan enough. If you're 詰めが甘い on cleaning, you don't clean enough. Got it? :)

So, basically, Kiyosaku is employing a play on words with all his talk of sweetness, he leads it into Japanese idioms. I guess the best way to translate it, then, is that "You have weak defenses and don't do things as well as you could" but it loses the coolness of repeating "sweet".

Le sigh. Why is it so hard to translate the beauty of Monpachi's phrasing?!

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